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Benvingut a AntennaPod! A continuació, pots trobar alguns detalls sobre com començar a utilitzar l’AntennaPod.

Per començar, us voldreu subscriure a un pòdcast. Podeu trobar més informació aquí. Quan uns hàgiu subscrit, veureu els nous episodis a laSafata d'entrada. Allà podeu decidir si voleu escoltar-los o no. Si un episodi és a la safata d’entrada, vol dir que encara no heu decidit que voleu fer amb aquest episodi.

  • Si no us interessa l’episodi, llisqueu cap a l’esquerra per suprimir-lo de la safata d’entrada. El capítol encara estarà marcat com a no reproduït i el podeu trobar a la pàgina d’Episodis, així com a la pàgina de pòdcasts.
  • Si us interessa un episodi, podeu fer una d’aquestes dues coses, depenent de com us agrada escoltar.
    • Download the episode. When downloading, AntennaPod also automatically adds the episode to the queue and removes it from the inbox. There is a setting if you want new episodes to be enqueued in the back, front or after the currently playing episode. Downloading is the main way AntennaPod was originally designed to be used but as streaming is becoming more and more popular, you can also use the second option.
    • Just add the episode to the queue. AntennaPod automatically removes it from the inbox and inserts it into the queue. You can later directly play the episode without having to download, so it does not take up space. Think: Streaming like videos on YouTube. The disadvantage is that it will not be available offline, uses up your mobile data connection when you are on the run, and makes fast forwarding a little bit slower.
  • If you are done playing, AntennaPod marks the episode as played and removes it from the queue. There is a setting to also automatically delete the download after playing. You can find a list of all episodes that are still downloaded to your device (whether they are in the queue or not) on the Downloads page.
  • If you like an episode and are thinking about listening to it again, you can also mark it as favorite. You can filter the Episodes page to show only your favorites and (by default) AntennaPod will not delete favorites after playing.

In case you are subscribed to a really great podcast where you know from the beginning that all episodes will be great, you can use the auto-download feature. When enabled for a podcast, all of its future new episodes are automatically downloaded and added to the queue. They will automatically be removed from the inbox as soon as they are downloaded.